The difference between the internet and the world wide web

World wide web and the internet sounds alike each other, but they are very different. the internet is the global network that connects everything together while the world wide web is a collection of information which is accessible because of the internet. The internet is millions of computers connect by thousands of networks while the world wide web is billions of pages that can be accessed through the internet.

Image result for difference between the inter and the world wide web

Relative/Absolute Paths

Relative Paths: A relative path is a way to specify the location of a directory relative to another directory. This is useful for shared indexes on networks when a physical drive uses a different drive letter for different users. Relative path starts from some given working directory, avoiding the need to provide the full absolute path.

Absolute Paths: An absolute path is defined as specifying the location of a file or directory from the root directory. This means that an absolute path is complete path from start of actual file system from / directory. Relative path is also defined as the path related to the present working directly.

Difference: For Relative Paths, it includes index.html /graphics/image.png and /help/articles/how-do-i-set-up-a-webpage.html. For absolute paths, for example is

Importances: The importance of understanding this concept is because it allows you to be able to create links to different webpages / directory. This allows you to have more than one page on the website and allows you to be able to spread the content of the website between these kind of links

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EOC Warmup 3


How the Web Became a Thing | The History of the Internet, Part 3

  • 3 Things I have learned
  • The web in the 90s were a huge new word of people and companies popping up everywhere you looked, and it seemed like there was plenty of room for everyone to have a piece of the pie
  • They figured that on the internet, old rules for being cautious about investing in young companies didn’t apply any more and that all anyone needed was a good idea and enough money to reach an audience
  • Stocks in tech companies plummeted for the next couple years, and over half of them declared bankruptcy eventually losing trillions of dollars in total
  • Napster had been one of the fastest growing businesses in history, but it went bankrupt paying back musicians for copyright infringements
  • Creators wrote the computer code and assembled the different documents
  • 1 Thing I had no idea about
  • DSL Transmits digital data along phone lines instead of analog signals like dial up does; and cable, which uses the wires for a cable box to connect to the internet.

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EOC warmup 2


How the Web Became a Thing | The History of the Internet, Part 2

  • 3 Things I have learned
  • Last year, the united nations actually declared uncensored internet access a human right that deserves protection
  • The internet grew from your computers in the western United states in 1969 to a bigger network with twenty thousand computers by the end of 1987 but was still restricted to specific universities and corporations which use it for specific types of collaboration.
  • Some of the first tastes of the future came in the 1970s. When a few companies started selling access to networks.
  • NSFNET also had a policy about banning commercials traffic on the network, but in 1988 they decided to try connecting a couple of those privates networks email servers to NSFNET
  • 1 Thing I had no idea about
  • To connect to a network, your computer placed a phone call to the network through a modem, which translated between the digital signals used in computers and the analog signals used in landline phones. 

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EOC Warmup 1

How the Internet Was Invented | The History of the Internet, Part 1

  • 3 Things I have learned
  • When searching for a file on the internet, a set millions of ones and zeros finds the files for you and sends it back to receive
  • While watching a youtube video or streaming one, there is also a set of millions of ones and zeros to play the video for you.
  • When we had old chunky big computers, all it could’ve done is solve math problems. Even with the best computers of the day, it could take several months to solve just one of the physics problems involved in making the atomic bomb. 
  • Arpanet started a fairly small, messaging service between computers at UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, Stanford University, and the University of Utah
  • 1 Thing I had no idea about
  • Arpanet used packeting switching from the start, and it’s packets traveled over phone lines

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Warm Up Treehouse 8

Date: 5/15/19

Brian Huynh

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Paragraph tabs – Anchor tags – HTML list

I already know

  • Without proper structure, your browser would display these words as massive unreadable walls of text.
  • The most common way to split up text in a more manageable visually appealing chunks, is with a paragraph tag. Paragraph tags are used to split up text in a paragraph.
  • Anchor tabs allows you to have text that redirects you to another link. It is a clickable link.

What I’ve learn

  • An HTML list is simply a list of items numbered or unnumbered. An HTML element you’ll probably use a lot is list. They can come in variety of ways
  • You can create a list with one of two tags, ul or ol.
  • ul stands for unordered list, and ol stands for ordered list.

What I want to learn

  • When creating list and structures, do you code it in the CSS or HTML

Warm Up Treehouse 7

Date: 5/15/19

Brian Huynh

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Select and style multiple elements by class

I already know

  • Styling by class is especially great because it’s reusable.
  • When you adjust margin you increase or decrease the space outside of an element’s box.
  • Using classes to style your elements will help keep the code clean and organized, and will save you from having to type the same style instructions over and over.

What I’ve learn

  • You can write a bunch of style instructions under one class, and use that one class to style multiple elements.
  • When talking about padding, we’re talking about the space between the element and its border.
  • When you want to adjust padding, you increase or decrease the amount of space inside an element’s box.

What I want to learn

  • I would like to know how to set up classes

Warm Up Treehouse 6

Date: 5/13/19

Brian Huynh

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Select and style by Element – Select and Style by Class

I already know

  • CSS gives us a mind boggling number of options to control how our web pages look, color, size, shape, border, shadow, animation, the possibilities are endless.
  • We use CSS to make web pages beautiful by selecting HTML tags and giving the browser a list of instructions for how those HTML tags should look.
  • We can select HTML elements in a variety of ways, The most straightforward way is to select the element by its tag name.

What I’ve learn

  • One way to style h2 tags is by using classes, Classes are attributes we can add to HTML elements
  • You type a class just like any other HTML attribute, inside the carets with an equal sign and a set of quotes.
  • A border radius is basically a fancy way to say curbed border

What I want to learn

  • I want to learn how to be able to add columns from the css to html

Warm Up Treehouse 4

Date: 5/6/19

Brian Huynh

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Image Tags – HTMl list

I already know

  • Photos and images are a cornerstone of building exciting, beautiful web pages.
  • An HTML element that is used alot is lists. A list is simply a list of items numbered or unnumbered.
  • Both of uo and ol is listed to being style with CSS so that they line up horizontally rather than vertically.

What I’ve learn

  • Most HTML tags can have additional information called attributes added to them An Attribute provides instruction for the browser.
  • There are three types of attributes tag, source alt and class. You can use CSS styles that control how the element appears on the page.
  • You can create two tags, ul or OL. Ui stands for unordered list and OL stands for ordered list.

What I want to learn

  • What is listing needed for?

Warm Up Treehouse 5

Date: 5/8/19

Brian Huynh

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Paragraph tabs – Anchor tags – HTML list

I already know

  • Without proper structure, your browser would display these words as massive unreadable walls of text.
  • The most common way to split up text in a more manageable visually appealing chunks, is with a paragraph tag. Paragraph tags are used to split up text in a paragraph.
  • Anchor tabs allows you to have text that redirects you to another link. It is a clickable link.

What I’ve learn

  • An HTML list is simply a list of items numbered or unnumbered. An HTML element you’ll probably use a lot is list. They can come in variety of ways
  • You can create a list with one of two tags, ul or ol.
  • ul stands for unordered list, and ol stands for ordered list.

What I want to learn

  • When creating list and structures, do you code it in the CSS or HTML