Warm-Up Oct 15

Meta Tag Abuse – Discuss the ethics of meta tag use, drawing your own conclusions regarding ethical practices. You should make recommendations for how search engines should handle meta tag abuse, possibly providing examples of commonly misused meta tags. 

The reason that web designers uses meta tags is because it allows them to enable search engines to easily categorize webpage contents. Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page’s content; the meta tags don’t appear on the page itself, but in the coding. Meta Tag abuse involves placing misleading content in a Web page’s Meta tag to boost the page’s search engine results. This is super unethical because it’s unfair for the other people’s meta tags. One way we could handle these kinds of meta tag abuse is finding the culprits and sending them to jail since it is super super illegal. The reason why they misused meta tag is because they want to attract more traffic than other websites. Its detracting from advertisement because their website is getting a higher rate unlike people who spend money on building the website.

Meta Tags – How Google Meta Tags Impact SEO


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