Project Management – Intro

  • Did you behave ethically in your last group project?

In my last group project, I did behave ethically, but at times I didn’t as well. Most of the times, I try to get everything that I have to do done, but sometimes I slack and don’t really contribute. I want to improve on this as it is very beneficial to group projects and doing good in general.

  • Were you ever tempted to behave unethically?

I was tempted to behave unethically when I’m feeling really lazy and tired, but I try to improve on that.

  • Why or why not?

The reason of this is because I lose focus on what Im doing. When I’m tired, I start to stop caring and contributing. This is very bad because, it is best to always be on task, focus and contribute in group projects. I feel as though I can improve on this and want to improve on this. The reason is because I don’t want to be the only one in the group not doing nothing and receiving hate. I also want better grades as well, so I don’t want to be the person who ruins it for someone else.

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