EOC Warmup 3


How the Web Became a Thing | The History of the Internet, Part 3

  • 3 Things I have learned
  • The web in the 90s were a huge new word of people and companies popping up everywhere you looked, and it seemed like there was plenty of room for everyone to have a piece of the pie
  • They figured that on the internet, old rules for being cautious about investing in young companies didn’t apply any more and that all anyone needed was a good idea and enough money to reach an audience
  • Stocks in tech companies plummeted for the next couple years, and over half of them declared bankruptcy eventually losing trillions of dollars in total
  • Napster had been one of the fastest growing businesses in history, but it went bankrupt paying back musicians for copyright infringements
  • Creators wrote the computer code and assembled the different documents
  • 1 Thing I had no idea about
  • DSL Transmits digital data along phone lines instead of analog signals like dial up does; and cable, which uses the wires for a cable box to connect to the internet.

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