EOC warmup 2


How the Web Became a Thing | The History of the Internet, Part 2

  • 3 Things I have learned
  • Last year, the united nations actually declared uncensored internet access a human right that deserves protection
  • The internet grew from your computers in the western United states in 1969 to a bigger network with twenty thousand computers by the end of 1987 but was still restricted to specific universities and corporations which use it for specific types of collaboration.
  • Some of the first tastes of the future came in the 1970s. When a few companies started selling access to networks.
  • NSFNET also had a policy about banning commercials traffic on the network, but in 1988 they decided to try connecting a couple of those privates networks email servers to NSFNET
  • 1 Thing I had no idea about
  • To connect to a network, your computer placed a phone call to the network through a modem, which translated between the digital signals used in computers and the analog signals used in landline phones. 

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