EOC Warmup 1

How the Internet Was Invented | The History of the Internet, Part 1

  • 3 Things I have learned
  • When searching for a file on the internet, a set millions of ones and zeros finds the files for you and sends it back to receive
  • While watching a youtube video or streaming one, there is also a set of millions of ones and zeros to play the video for you.
  • When we had old chunky big computers, all it could’ve done is solve math problems. Even with the best computers of the day, it could take several months to solve just one of the physics problems involved in making the atomic bomb. 
  • Arpanet started a fairly small, messaging service between computers at UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, Stanford University, and the University of Utah
  • 1 Thing I had no idea about
  • Arpanet used packeting switching from the start, and it’s packets traveled over phone lines

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