Warm Up Treehouse 7

Date: 5/15/19

Brian Huynh

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Select and style multiple elements by class

I already know

  • Styling by class is especially great because it’s reusable.
  • When you adjust margin you increase or decrease the space outside of an element’s box.
  • Using classes to style your elements will help keep the code clean and organized, and will save you from having to type the same style instructions over and over.

What I’ve learn

  • You can write a bunch of style instructions under one class, and use that one class to style multiple elements.
  • When talking about padding, we’re talking about the space between the element and its border.
  • When you want to adjust padding, you increase or decrease the amount of space inside an element’s box.

What I want to learn

  • I would like to know how to set up classes

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