Warm Up Treehouse 6

Date: 5/13/19

Brian Huynh

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Select and style by Element – Select and Style by Class

I already know

  • CSS gives us a mind boggling number of options to control how our web pages look, color, size, shape, border, shadow, animation, the possibilities are endless.
  • We use CSS to make web pages beautiful by selecting HTML tags and giving the browser a list of instructions for how those HTML tags should look.
  • We can select HTML elements in a variety of ways, The most straightforward way is to select the element by its tag name.

What I’ve learn

  • One way to style h2 tags is by using classes, Classes are attributes we can add to HTML elements
  • You type a class just like any other HTML attribute, inside the carets with an equal sign and a set of quotes.
  • A border radius is basically a fancy way to say curbed border

What I want to learn

  • I want to learn how to be able to add columns from the css to html

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