Warm Up Treehouse 4

Date: 5/6/19

Brian Huynh

Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 8.58.00 AM.png

Image Tags – HTMl list

I already know

  • Photos and images are a cornerstone of building exciting, beautiful web pages.
  • An HTML element that is used alot is lists. A list is simply a list of items numbered or unnumbered.
  • Both of uo and ol is listed to being style with CSS so that they line up horizontally rather than vertically.

What I’ve learn

  • Most HTML tags can have additional information called attributes added to them An Attribute provides instruction for the browser.
  • There are three types of attributes tag, source alt and class. You can use CSS styles that control how the element appears on the page.
  • You can create two tags, ul or OL. Ui stands for unordered list and OL stands for ordered list.

What I want to learn

  • What is listing needed for?

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